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Silver&Antiques Auction

All paintings in our auction are examined and approved by Painter, Appraiser and Art Consultant AGOP EGOYAN.

We provide a general report on the extension of other products. We are not professional conservators or restorers, we request that you require a restorer or conservator of your choice. Potential buyers should inspect the items further to be satisfied with the items and understand that any statement made by Clar Auctions is a subjective opinion only.

Currency Converter:

Starting Bid: 4,000 TL

Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Starting Bid: 1,000 TL

Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Starting Bid: 1,000 TL

Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Starting Bid: 2,000 TL

Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Starting Bid: 1,000 TL

Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Starting Bid: 3,000 TL

Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Starting Bid: 1,000 TL

Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

Starting Bid: 2,000 TL

Your Maximum Bid: TL

Current Price: TL Losing Winning

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